Wisata Bahari Lamongan
9th June 2012
Two hours north of Surabaya lies Wisata Bahari Lamongan, home to the second wooden mouse in Indonesia. I had high hopes for Crazy Car Coaster (#1772) after the wonderful ride yesterday, but it was not to be; this version was violent and rough, and not something I'd have wanted to ride more than once. In any case this was not allowed, as my wristband was marked as I approached the station. It's great to see classic attractions preserved for future generations to enjoy, but the preservation effort would be much more worthwhile if augmented by a regular maintenance schedule.
The park also has a powered Jet Coaster, a single helix version of the ubiquitous Zamperla Dragon. Much to my surprise, this turned out to be great, as the power level on the motor had been set far higher than would be normal for this design. I'd made the mistake of sitting on the right hand side of the car, which didn't last long; I was quickly thrown to the left and pinned there as the train gathered speed.
Beyond the coasters, the park also has a number of strange attractions, a few of which are worth highlighting here. An impressive looking building in the shape of a caterpillar appears at first glance to hold a museum of butterflies (of the non-enthusiast kind!) but it is also the entrance to a substantial set of underground caves, complete with walkway within. I'm not entirely sure that it's sensible to visit caves in an area prone to seismic activity, but the tour was certainly interesting enough. Another building houses a variety of different species of cat, both real life and model, with some of the models dressed in elaborate costumes. An attraction named Planet Kaca (the park clearly has no native English speakers on staff!) is a rather good blend of mirror maze, fun house, and walkthrough that's definitely worth a few minutes. The final ride of the morning was on 1001 Nights, a fairly respectable dark ride and arguably the best ride in the park. It also had the extra bonus of strong air conditioning, making it a very welcome respite from the heat outside.