Nova Nicolândia

24th January 2013

This park was known as Nicolandia Center Park at the time this trip report was written.

We'd originally hoped to visit Nova Nicolândia on Monday, but opening hours killed that plan. Fortunately, there was enough slack in our schedule to pick up a cheap flight for a second attempt. It was a little worrying to find a completely closed park when we arrived, but there were a few staff milling around, and in due course the entrance gate slid open to the dramatic accompaniment of Also Sprach Zarathustra.

Nova Nicolândia

The park has fifteen rides in total, three of which are roller coasters. One of these was closed for maintenance today, but we quickly ticked off the other two; a Happy Mountain (#1901) and my second Pinfari Z47L, here named Colossu's Loop (#1902). The latter was running very well indeed, making me question why this design never saw the success of the ubiquitous ZL42. Martin noted that a fully researched article on the history of Pinfari could be an interesting read, and I'm inclined to agree; does anyone want to volunteer? Perhaps that person could also figure out who Colossu is, and why they own a loop. One small warning for independent travellers; all three coasters require a minimum of four passengers to operate. While we were not the only guests in the park today, we were just about the only riders; those on a tight schedule should probably budget for additional tickets for random strangers.

We did consider trying the Giant Wheel, but decided not to as it was located directly beside a large tree that would have prevented any decent overview photographs. As there was nothing else in the park that we wanted to try, we caught a cab back to the airport.

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Nova Nicolândia

Reports from this park:
